Updates on Transmission Line Opposition
DALC’s efforts to stop the costly, unnecessary Cardinal-Hickory Creek (CHC) transmission line have intensified, as construction on the project in Wisconsin is slated to begin by the end of October. Instead of the massive infrastructure CHC requires, DALC supports clean energy technologies that foster a more responsible energy future. DALC has filed petitions in state and federal court, asking that a temporary halt on construction be imposed until lawsuits involving the project are resolved. Get the latest updates here.
Don't Miss Our Annual Sandhill Crane Viewing!
This popular event is back in-person after last year's cancellation, and will be held entirely outdoors. Join us on November 6 from 4:30 - 6:00 pm to learn from crane experts and get a prime view of the crane migration near Spring Green. Registration is required and you can sign up here.
DALC Welcomes New Development Associate
Emilee Martell recently joined the DALC team to support fundraising and communication. Having just completed her Master's degree in Environmental Conservation, as well as a work-study internship with Gathering Waters: Wisconsin's Alliance for Land Trusts, Emilee is thrilled to be launching her career in land conservation surrounded by the beauty of the Driftless. Read more about Emilee on our staff page.
Restoration in Action
Fall is a great time to get outside and lend a hand! Help keep DALC's preserves in tip-top shape by volunteering at one of our upcoming workdays:
Spring Valley Tract, New Glarus
October 30, 9:00 - noon
Erickson Conservation Area, Argyle
November 8 - 12, 9:00 - 3:00
Sardeson Preserve, Mineral Point
November 12 - 13, 9:00 - noon
RSVP to our Director of Conservation Programs, Cindy Becker, at cindy@driftlessconservancy.org.
Notes From the Field
While we are all still struggling with the pandemic, I'm so pleased that we are able to continue to offer safe opportunities for all of us to get out and connect with the land and each other. All of the DALC staff have been taking advantage of the crisp fall weather to complete our annual visits to properties on which we hold conservation easements - we all really enjoy connecting with the landowners and hiking these properties. Enjoy this time - before you know it the snow will be flying!